NANBIOSIS is a distributed Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructures (ICTS) recognized by the Spanish Council for Science Policy, Technology and Innovation (MINECO) that group together 29 complementary and coordinated units located at different institutions, which in turn are distributed throughout seven Autonomous Communities in Spain: Andalusia, Aragon, Catalonia, Extremadura, Basque Country and Valencia. This ICTS is integrated by the Biomedical Research Networking Center in Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN), the Jesus Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre (JUMISC) and the recently joined Andalusian Centre for Nanomedicine and Biotechnology, BIONAND.
In 2010, the first contact between CIBER-BBN and JUMISC took place through the collaboration on an intramural project (Image Guided Minimally Invasive Therapies for Safer Surgeries (THEMIS) funded by CIBER-BBN and involving three research groups of this centre and another one from JUMISC in the area of bioengineering and biomedical imaging. After this project, the potential for collaboration between centres, in a broader sense, thrived. While CIBER-BBN provides basic and applied research, JUMISC provides infrastructure and experts to carry out preclinical assessment allowing continuous monitoring and on-site proof of concept. Observing the synergies and complementarity between both centres, CIBER-BBN and JUMISC’s signed in November 2011 a scientific and technological cooperation agreement for the sharing of research platforms and services which was the germ that lead NANBIOSIS ICTS. In 2013, the institutions applied for the ICTS certification obtaining the approval one year later. During 2018, the Andalusian Centre for Nanomedicine and Biotechnology joined this distributed ICTS Nanbiosis.
Nanbiosis research infrastructure is geared towards medical applications, offering new integrated Cutting-edge biomedical solutions using a single contact point model. Constituted as clusters of technological-Scientific equipment Nanbiosis offers TOP-LEVEL technological resources and internationally recognized groups behind to the scientific community in the public and private sector.
The development of novel nanomedicines, new medical devices for tissue and regenerative medicine and new in vitro diagnostics devices need of highly scientific and technological equipment that required top-level scientific knowledge and experience. The communities are mature and excellent; however, translation into clinical applications is still slow. Nanbiosis can contribute to translation offering integrated solutions to advanced challenges focused on the following sectors: (i) nanomedicines preclinical validation services (ii) Customized (nano)biotherapeutics production services (iii) biomaterials preclinical validation (iv) in-vitro diagnostics and organ-on-chip services. Focused on these fields, new advanced technologies for manufacturing, characterization and regulation aspects will guarantee the success and viability of the developed technologies. The objective of Nanbiosis is to guide excellent basic and applied research through the innovation process to develop new nanomedicine products/applications/tools. Moreover, the close collaboration with experts on Nanosafety, regulatory issues, investors and consultancy experts help us in the preparation of business plans for the creation of new spin-offs and start-up companies.
Specifically, NANBIOSIS provide a complete service that includes the design and production of biomaterials and nanomaterials and their nanoconjugates, and the characterization of these bio-/nanomaterials, tissues and medicals devices from a physic-chemical, functional, toxicological and biological (including preclinical validation) point of view, focused on biomedical applications such as: IVDs, biosensors, regenerative medicine, drug delivery, therapeutic agents or MRI contrast agents. A Unit dedicated to high performance computing is also included for those technological applications with large scale computational demand. The coordination of the required units for the development of the project is offered under a “Single Contact Point” model for either subcontracting or collaboration in European Projects. Moreover, as part of the CIBER-BBN, the groups have access to all the infrastructure units of the NANBIOSIS ICTS.
Nanbiosis will be involved in the SAFE-N-MEDTECH Open Innovation Test bed program combining knowhow of experts from the consortium that will work together in the deep understanding and knowledge of the material-nano properties, their advance use and applications in Medical Technologies and other aspects involved in MT safety. CIBER-BBN and Nanbiosis are the WP3 Leaders coordinating the preclinical assays portfolio and participating actively in all the Test Cases and working in close collaboration with the four Test Case Developers: Stryker, RCL, HELIA Biomonitoring and TECNAN.
We hope that the SAFEnmt test bed will help to accelerate the development nanotechnology based medical technologies products and services for future applications in clinical practice.
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